Mediation Lawyers Melbourne
Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution – Settle With Confidence
Get Help From Our Mediation Lawyers Melbourne
Litigation in the Australian court system is adversarial in nature. That means there is a contested hearing where the parties present their opposing positions to the Court.
This can be a lengthy and expensive process.
The alternative to litigation is Mediation. It works in tandem rather than in opposition to the Court system. It is a solution which the Courts support positively.

What Is Mediation?
Mediation is a process of dispute resolution in which the mediator is neutral and independent.
A Mediation can be held at any time suitable to the parties.
Mediators can be qualified lawyers, non-lawyers or Court staff.
The mediator brings the parties together face-to-face in a private and confidential setting.
The parties inform the mediator of their objectives and the mediator tries to explore options with the parties and search out areas of agreement.
These options are generally broader than the ones that a Court can consider.
The mediator does not impose a decision, and any information he or she gains during the Mediation remains entirely confidential.
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